Date Title Passage Speaker
19/04/09 PM 1. Living the Reality of the Christian Life Phil 1:1-2 WJMP
26/04/09 PM 2. Sinners Become Servants and Saints Phil 1:1-2 WJMP
03/05/09 PM 3. United Phil 1:1 Eph 1:3-14 WJMP
10/05/09 PM 4. What We Most Need Phil 1:21 Sam 2:1-10 WJMP
17/05/09 PM 5. Fellowship in the Gospel Phil 1:3-6 WJMP
24/05/09 PM 6. Work Started? It will be Finished Phil 1:6 WJMP
31/05/09 PM 7. One for All and All for One by God's Grace Phil 1:7-8 WJMP
14/06/09 PM 8. A Pastor's Prayer(part 1) Phil 1:9 WJMP
21/06/09 PM 9. A Pastor's Prayer(part 2) Phil 1:10-11 WJMP
13/09/09 PM 10. Suffering and the advance of the Gospel Phil 1:12-14 WJMP
27/12/09 PM 11. The R2 Principle Phil 1:15-18c WJMP
03/01/10 PM 12. Facing the Future Phil 1:18-20 WJMP
10/01/10 PM 13. A Mark of Christian Maturity Phil 1:20-26 WJMP
07/02/10 PM 14. Behave Yourself! Phil 1:27-30 WJMP
14/02/10 PM 15. Behave Yourself?...Foster Unity through Mutual Care Phil 2:1-4 WJMP
28/02/10 PM 16. Behave Yourself...Have the Same Attitude as Jesus (1) Phil 2:5-11 WJMP
14/03/10 PM 17. Behave Yourself...Have the same attitude as Jesus (2) Phil 2:5-11 WJMP
28/03/10 PM 18. Team Work Phil 2:12-13 WJMP
04/04/10 PM 19. Shining Like Stars Phil 2:12-18 WJMP
18/04/10 PM 20. Timothy: A Model Christian Phil 2:19-24 WJMP
02/05/10 PM 21. Epaphroditus: A Model Christian Phil 2:25-30 WJMP
09/05/10 PM 22. Always Rejoice in the Lord! Phil 3:1 WJMP
23/05/10 PM 23. The Armour of Knowing Phil 3:1b-3 WJMP
30/05/10 PM 24. A Paradigm Shift Phil 3:4-8 WJMP
05/09/10 PM 25. A Glorious Standing Phil 3:4-9 WJMP
12/09/10 PM 26. A Glorious Process Phil 3:10-11 WJMP
31/10/10 PM 27. A Glorious Anticipation Phil 3:7-11 WJMP
07/11/10 PM 28. Press on! Forget What is Behind! Phil 3:12-14 WJMP
14/11/10 PM 29. Press on! Strain Towards what is Ahead! Phil 3:12-14 WJMP
21/11/10 PM 30. Standing Firm in the Lord Phil 3:15-4:1 WJMP
05/12/10 PM 31. Standing Firm in the Lord Phil 3:15-4:1 WJMP
30/01/11 PM 32. Agreeing in the Lord Phil 4:2-3 WJMP
06/02/11 PM 33. Always Rejoicing Phil 4:4-5 WJMP
13/02/11 PM 34. Never Anxious Phil 4:6-7 WJMP
20/02/11 PM 35. What to Ponder, What to Practise Phil 4:8-9 WJMP
27/02/11 PM 36. Learning to be Content Phil 4:10-13 WJMP
27/03/11 PM 37. The Significance of Giving Phil 4:14-18 WJMP
03/04/11 PM 38. A Glorious Promise! Phil 4:19-20 WJMP
17/04/11 PM 39. The Fellowship of the Saints Phil 4:21-22 WJMP
08/05/11 PM 40. The Vital Need for Grace Phil 4:21-23 WJMP
Date Title Passage Speaker
19/04/09 PM 1. Living the Reality of the Christian Life Phil 1:1-2 WJMP
26/04/09 PM 2. Sinners Become Servants and Saints Phil 1:1-2 WJMP
03/05/09 PM 3. United Phil 1:1 Eph 1:3-14 WJMP
10/05/09 PM 4. What We Most Need Phil 1:21 Sam 2:1-10 WJMP
17/05/09 PM 5. Fellowship in the Gospel Phil 1:3-6 WJMP
24/05/09 PM 6. Work Started? It will be Finished Phil 1:6 WJMP
31/05/09 PM 7. One for All and All for One by God's Grace Phil 1:7-8 WJMP
14/06/09 PM 8. A Pastor's Prayer(part 1) Phil 1:9 WJMP
21/06/09 PM 9. A Pastor's Prayer(part 2) Phil 1:10-11 WJMP
13/09/09 PM 10. Suffering and the advance of the Gospel Phil 1:12-14 WJMP
27/12/09 PM 11. The R2 Principle Phil 1:15-18c WJMP
03/01/10 PM 12. Facing the Future Phil 1:18-20 WJMP
10/01/10 PM 13. A Mark of Christian Maturity Phil 1:20-26 WJMP
07/02/10 PM 14. Behave Yourself! Phil 1:27-30 WJMP
14/02/10 PM 15. Behave Yourself?...Foster Unity through Mutual Care Phil 2:1-4 WJMP
28/02/10 PM 16. Behave Yourself...Have the Same Attitude as Jesus (1) Phil 2:5-11 WJMP
14/03/10 PM 17. Behave Yourself...Have the same attitude as Jesus (2) Phil 2:5-11 WJMP
28/03/10 PM 18. Team Work Phil 2:12-13 WJMP
04/04/10 PM 19. Shining Like Stars Phil 2:12-18 WJMP
18/04/10 PM 20. Timothy: A Model Christian Phil 2:19-24 WJMP
02/05/10 PM 21. Epaphroditus: A Model Christian Phil 2:25-30 WJMP
09/05/10 PM 22. Always Rejoice in the Lord! Phil 3:1 WJMP
23/05/10 PM 23. The Armour of Knowing Phil 3:1b-3 WJMP
30/05/10 PM 24. A Paradigm Shift Phil 3:4-8 WJMP
05/09/10 PM 25. A Glorious Standing Phil 3:4-9 WJMP
12/09/10 PM 26. A Glorious Process Phil 3:10-11 WJMP
31/10/10 PM 27. A Glorious Anticipation Phil 3:7-11 WJMP
07/11/10 PM 28. Press on! Forget What is Behind! Phil 3:12-14 WJMP
14/11/10 PM 29. Press on! Strain Towards what is Ahead! Phil 3:12-14 WJMP
21/11/10 PM 30. Standing Firm in the Lord Phil 3:15-4:1 WJMP
05/12/10 PM 31. Standing Firm in the Lord Phil 3:15-4:1 WJMP
30/01/11 PM 32. Agreeing in the Lord Phil 4:2-3 WJMP
06/02/11 PM 33. Always Rejoicing Phil 4:4-5 WJMP
13/02/11 PM 34. Never Anxious Phil 4:6-7 WJMP
20/02/11 PM 35. What to Ponder, What to Practise Phil 4:8-9 WJMP
27/02/11 PM 36. Learning to be Content Phil 4:10-13 WJMP
27/03/11 PM 37. The Significance of Giving Phil 4:14-18 WJMP
03/04/11 PM 38. A Glorious Promise! Phil 4:19-20 WJMP
17/04/11 PM 39. The Fellowship of the Saints Phil 4:21-22 WJMP
08/05/11 PM 40. The Vital Need for Grace Phil 4:21-23 WJMP