For further information about any of these activities please use the Contact Us section of the website. We will be happy to assist.
On an average week in First Antrim:
On an average week in First Antrim:
Morning Worship in the Church Building. Primary Room available for all pre-school children during the morning service |
Friends of God Club for all children of Primary age in the halls during the morning service. |
Elevation for all young people of secondary age after morning worship in the Gallery Room. Contact Jonny Alexander |
Evening Worship in the church hall. |
MONDAY10:00 am
Ladies bible study in the halls (as announced) 6:30-9:30pm Boys Brigade in the halls 6:30-7:30pm ages 5-8 Anchor Boys 6:30-8pm ages 8-11 Junior Section 7:30-9:30pm age 11+ Company Section. Contact David Thomson |
Craft Class in Dixon Room. Contact Arlene Heaney 2:00pm-3:30pm Friendship Group monthly (September to May) 7:00pm Session/Committee/ Elder's prayer meetings (as announced) 7:30pm Ladies' Bible Study in the halls (as announced) 7:30pm Presbyterian Woman's Meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month in the Bruce Hall. |
Little Legends in the halls. 11:00am Men's Bible study in the Gallery Room (as announced) 6:30-9:30pm Girls Brigade in the halls 6:30-7:30pm Mini & Explores 3-7 years 6:45-9:00pm Juniors 8-10 years 7:30-9:30pm Seniors 11-13 years 7:30-9:30pm Brigaders 14+ years. Contact Ann Jones 7:30 pm Men's Bible study in the Gallery Room (as announced), |
Chat ‘N Chew in Bruce Hall all welcome to call in. Contact Josephine Herbinson 7:30pm Choir Practice in Primary Room. Contact Alison Chestnutt |
Youth Club in the Halls for all young people year 8 and older. Contact Paul Clarke |