Date Title Passage Speaker
13/11/11 AM 1. Tell it again .... Luke! Luke 1:1-4 WJMP
27/11/11 AM 2. All in God's Time: the annunciation of John the Baptist Luke 1:5-25 WJMP
04/12/11 AM 3. The Greatest Announcement: the Annunciation of Jesus Luke 1:26-38 WJMP
11/12/11 AM 4. Mind Opened and Lips Loosened Luke 1:39-45 WJMP
08/01/12 AM 6. Intervention and Paying Attention Luke 1:57-66 WJMP
12/02/12 AM 7. Redemption: Accomplished and Applied Luke 1:67-79 WJMP
19/02/12 AM 8. The Tender Mercy of God Luke 1:67-79 WJMP
26/02/12 AM 9. Reason to Live, Content to Die Luke 2:21-38 WJMP
04/03/12 AM 10. Human and Divine Luke 2:39-52 WJMP
18/03/12 AM 11.Prepare to be Forgiven Luke 3:1-14 WJMP
25/03/12 AM 12. Even the Bad News is Good News Luke 3:15-18 WJMP
01/04/12 AM 13. Speak out! Listen Up! Luke 3:19-20 WJMP
22/04/12 AM 14. Anointed and Affirmed Luke 3:21-22 WJMP
29/04/12 AM 15. Qualified to Represent Luke 3:23-38 WJMP
13/05/12 AM 16. The Duel in the Desert Luke 4:1-13 WJMP
20/05/12 PM 17. Provocation and Reaction Luke 4:14-30 WJMP
27/05/12 AM 18. Messiah's Mission Luke 4:14-21 WJMP
09/09/12 AM 19. The Authority of Jesus* Luke 4:31-41 WJMP
16/09/12 AM 20. Demon Possession Luke 4:31-37 WJMP
23/09/12 AM 21. Divine Healing Luke 4:38-41 WJMP
07/10/12 AM 22. Out of a Comfort Luke 4:42-44 WJMP
04/11/12 AM 23. Trust Jesus ..... and Obey Him Luke 5:1-11 WJMP
06/01/13 AM 24. The Unclean Made Clean* Luke 5:12-16 WJMP
10/02/13 AM 25. Your Role, Jesus' Role Luke 5:17-26 WJMP
17/02/13 AM 26. Socialising with Intent Luke 5:27-32 WJMP
03/03/13 AM 27. Socialising with Intent (2) Luke 5:27-32 WJMP
10/03/13 AM 28. Socialising with Intent (3) Luke 5:27-32 WJMP
14/04/13 AM 29. Out with the Old and in with the New Luke 5:33-39 WJMP
21/04/13 AM 30. "Lord of the Sabbath" Luke 6:1-11 WJMP
30/06/13 AM 31. "Identified, Called and Commissioned" Luke 6:12-16 WJMP
07/07/13 AM 32. "The Sermon on a Level Place" Luke 6:17-26 WJMP
21/07/13 AM 33. "Love Who!?" Luke 6:27-36 WJMP
06/10/13 AM 34. "Using the Correct Measure" Luke 6:37-42 WJMP
03/11/13 PM 35. "Examine your Life" Luke 6:43-49 WJMP
17/11/13 AM 36. "A Great Faith" Luke 7:1-10 WJMP
15/12/13 AM 37. "Compassion and Power" Luke 7:11-17 WJMP
12/01/14 AM 38. "Feeling Down & Having Doubts?" Luke 7:18-23 WJMP
16/02/14 AM 39. "Its Your Choice ..... Choose Wisely!" Luke 7:24-30 WJMP
09/03/14 AM 40. "The Parable of the Superbrats" Luke 7 : 31-35 WJMP
16/03/14 AM 41. "Received or Rebuked?" Luke 7 : 36-50 WJMP
30/03/14 AM 42. "Intention and Reception" Luke 8 : 1-15 WJMP
06/04/14 AM 43. "Be Careful Little Ears How You Hear" Luke 8 : 16-21 WJMP
13/04/14 AM 44. "How Concerned are You?" Luke 8 : 22-25 WJMP
18/05/14 AM 45. "He Came to Set the Captives Free" Luke 8:26-39 WJMP
01/06/14 AM 46. "Time Management" Luke 8:40-56 WJMP
15/06/14 AM 47. "Men with a Mission" Luke 9: 1-9 WJMP
22/06/14 AM 48. "Feeding Servers and Seekers" Luke 9: 10-17 WJMP
11/01/15 AM 52. "The Soul Issue!" Luke 9: 23-27 WJMP
18/01/15 AM 53. "Who's Ashamed of Whom?" Luke 9: 23-27 WJMP
15/02/15 AM 54. "Who is He" Luke 9 :27-36 WJMP
22/02/15 AM 55. “Going Up …. Then Coming Down” Luke 9 : 28-36 WJMP
24/05/15 AM 56. “Fails and Faith” Luke 9 : 37-43 WJMP
31/05/15 AM 57. “More Epic Fails” Luke 9 : 43-50 WJMP
21/06/15 AM 58. “Mercy and Commitment" Luke 9 : 51-62 WJMP
Date Title Passage Speaker
13/11/11 AM 1. Tell it again .... Luke! Luke 1:1-4 WJMP
27/11/11 AM 2. All in God's Time: the annunciation of John the Baptist Luke 1:5-25 WJMP
04/12/11 AM 3. The Greatest Announcement: the Annunciation of Jesus Luke 1:26-38 WJMP
11/12/11 AM 4. Mind Opened and Lips Loosened Luke 1:39-45 WJMP
08/01/12 AM 6. Intervention and Paying Attention Luke 1:57-66 WJMP
12/02/12 AM 7. Redemption: Accomplished and Applied Luke 1:67-79 WJMP
19/02/12 AM 8. The Tender Mercy of God Luke 1:67-79 WJMP
26/02/12 AM 9. Reason to Live, Content to Die Luke 2:21-38 WJMP
04/03/12 AM 10. Human and Divine Luke 2:39-52 WJMP
18/03/12 AM 11.Prepare to be Forgiven Luke 3:1-14 WJMP
25/03/12 AM 12. Even the Bad News is Good News Luke 3:15-18 WJMP
01/04/12 AM 13. Speak out! Listen Up! Luke 3:19-20 WJMP
22/04/12 AM 14. Anointed and Affirmed Luke 3:21-22 WJMP
29/04/12 AM 15. Qualified to Represent Luke 3:23-38 WJMP
13/05/12 AM 16. The Duel in the Desert Luke 4:1-13 WJMP
20/05/12 PM 17. Provocation and Reaction Luke 4:14-30 WJMP
27/05/12 AM 18. Messiah's Mission Luke 4:14-21 WJMP
09/09/12 AM 19. The Authority of Jesus* Luke 4:31-41 WJMP
16/09/12 AM 20. Demon Possession Luke 4:31-37 WJMP
23/09/12 AM 21. Divine Healing Luke 4:38-41 WJMP
07/10/12 AM 22. Out of a Comfort Luke 4:42-44 WJMP
04/11/12 AM 23. Trust Jesus ..... and Obey Him Luke 5:1-11 WJMP
06/01/13 AM 24. The Unclean Made Clean* Luke 5:12-16 WJMP
10/02/13 AM 25. Your Role, Jesus' Role Luke 5:17-26 WJMP
17/02/13 AM 26. Socialising with Intent Luke 5:27-32 WJMP
03/03/13 AM 27. Socialising with Intent (2) Luke 5:27-32 WJMP
10/03/13 AM 28. Socialising with Intent (3) Luke 5:27-32 WJMP
14/04/13 AM 29. Out with the Old and in with the New Luke 5:33-39 WJMP
21/04/13 AM 30. "Lord of the Sabbath" Luke 6:1-11 WJMP
30/06/13 AM 31. "Identified, Called and Commissioned" Luke 6:12-16 WJMP
07/07/13 AM 32. "The Sermon on a Level Place" Luke 6:17-26 WJMP
21/07/13 AM 33. "Love Who!?" Luke 6:27-36 WJMP
06/10/13 AM 34. "Using the Correct Measure" Luke 6:37-42 WJMP
03/11/13 PM 35. "Examine your Life" Luke 6:43-49 WJMP
17/11/13 AM 36. "A Great Faith" Luke 7:1-10 WJMP
15/12/13 AM 37. "Compassion and Power" Luke 7:11-17 WJMP
12/01/14 AM 38. "Feeling Down & Having Doubts?" Luke 7:18-23 WJMP
16/02/14 AM 39. "Its Your Choice ..... Choose Wisely!" Luke 7:24-30 WJMP
09/03/14 AM 40. "The Parable of the Superbrats" Luke 7 : 31-35 WJMP
16/03/14 AM 41. "Received or Rebuked?" Luke 7 : 36-50 WJMP
30/03/14 AM 42. "Intention and Reception" Luke 8 : 1-15 WJMP
06/04/14 AM 43. "Be Careful Little Ears How You Hear" Luke 8 : 16-21 WJMP
13/04/14 AM 44. "How Concerned are You?" Luke 8 : 22-25 WJMP
18/05/14 AM 45. "He Came to Set the Captives Free" Luke 8:26-39 WJMP
01/06/14 AM 46. "Time Management" Luke 8:40-56 WJMP
15/06/14 AM 47. "Men with a Mission" Luke 9: 1-9 WJMP
22/06/14 AM 48. "Feeding Servers and Seekers" Luke 9: 10-17 WJMP
11/01/15 AM 52. "The Soul Issue!" Luke 9: 23-27 WJMP
18/01/15 AM 53. "Who's Ashamed of Whom?" Luke 9: 23-27 WJMP
15/02/15 AM 54. "Who is He" Luke 9 :27-36 WJMP
22/02/15 AM 55. “Going Up …. Then Coming Down” Luke 9 : 28-36 WJMP
24/05/15 AM 56. “Fails and Faith” Luke 9 : 37-43 WJMP
31/05/15 AM 57. “More Epic Fails” Luke 9 : 43-50 WJMP
21/06/15 AM 58. “Mercy and Commitment" Luke 9 : 51-62 WJMP