1st Antrim has received permission from the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s “Linkage Commission” to employ a Community Outreach Worker. The role of the Community Outreach Worker is to work alongside the minister and congregation assisting in the development and delivery of strategies and plans of the Kirk Session in coordinating, developing and leading a team of volunteers in outreach into our local community through our Mission Statement: “For the fame of Christ to be disciples and make disciples in Antrim and beyond.”
The Community Outreach Worker’s key strategic priorities are: · to engage strategically with those living in our area. · to develop outreach through utilising street-fronting halls welcome space. · to develop relationships for the gospel's sake with non- church families & individuals who connect with 1st Antrim through our organisations. · to inspire, model and equip church family in outreach. We will soon be advertising this post and value prayer in seeing it filled! Sunday 23rd February // 7pm // prayer-themed evening service // 2nd Randalstown // no evening service in 1st Antrim
10am-12pm // Saturday 22nd February // Bruce Hall // in support of Company Funds
On Saturday 22nd February, BBNI & GBNI are partnering with one another to hold a ‘Pray where you are day’, a day for companies, leaders, churches, past leaders, families and friends to pray wherever they are for the work of the organisations, collectively taking time to pause and come to God, not only to thank him for all he has done for us and the work of both organisations but to ask him to remain faithful and provide blessings for the work that continues in the life of BBNI and GBNI. 6 NATIONS RUGBY // WALES V. IRELAND // WATCH TOGETHER
2.15pm // Saturday 22nd February // Halls Welcome Suite Stephen is taking some leave from 12th-16th February. If you require the services of a minister during this period, please contact Ian McNie, an elder or the church office.